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Happy New Year!

Dear Ladies, 

As 2022 is coming to an end. I find myself reflecting on the year. Lawd knows this year wasn't the best, but it certainly wasn't the worst. 

I took out time to get to know myself better. I feel incredibly confident in who I am, what I like, and what I am willing to accept from others. 

I choose to LOVE myself. I actually fell in love with the song Self Love by Jayson Lyric and Naveah. Man, this song truly expresses the year I had. I am so proud of the challenges I faced and was able to triumph over because I built myself up. 

I used to feel alone and like I needed someone to hold my hand, but I realized I didn't. Everything that I needed to win any battle was inside of me all along. I came out swinging, and I won. I didn't win them all, but I didn't back down!!!

In the new year, I challenge you to take a moment and reflect. Celebrate the person you are and are becoming after this year. You made it, and NOTHING or NO ONE can stop you! 

Set some personal goals and smash each one of them. You deserve this and earned it! Live the life you dreamed of NOW!

Just remember to ALWAYS Think Like a Lady. 


Ladi Keara