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Dear Lady, 

Today I wanted to share my thoughts on rejection. Not all women struggle with it, but we all have been rejected at some point in our life. Rejection can take place in our family, at our jobs, in our friend circles, and most importantly, in our romantic relationships. When we are rejected, it releases a world of emotions that causes us to look internally. We begin to obsess over what we can do to change their mind. You go down a downward spiral of questioning yourself and possibly belittling yourself to understand why he wouldn't choose you. 

A list of maybes you become fixated on causes you to live in a state of low self-esteem, self-confidence, and value. 

Who said the problem was you? 

I want to encourage you today to change your viewpoint. Stop tearing yourself down to be accepted by someone who isn't able to see your worth. 

Remember, you are the prize! 

Anyone you are willing to give yourself to or open up to must be of high value, such as yourself. Never allow rejection to cause you to retreat. Continue to live out loud and without guilt, fear, or shame. 

As a lady, you must know your worth and triple it. Never give anyone "you" who does not understand your value and the privilege to share your space. 

Remember, "A Lady NEVER allows rejection to set her back. She uses it to sift through who or what is worthy of her essence."

Ladi Keara